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Author Message

December 12 2006 (01:32:51)

Visitor writes an Article

Hello Webmatic Team<br><br>
Is&#039;t possible that a visitor writes a Article inside the Webmatic25 website.<br>
I have tried it,it does not succeed me

December 12 2006 (01:34:08)

To write an article you must register to the vebsite,
(the anonymous-visitors articles are, for now, not implemented).<br>
There is two way to write an article after you have registered in the website, (and two relative flags to activate) the first its to write an article that can be viewed only after the administrator have reviewed it,
in the second way a registered user can write and activate own article in the website without
any administrator&#039;s review. <br>
Bye!<img src=pic/smiles/s1.gif align=absmiddle>

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