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November 26 2006 (12:15:39)

Webmatic translations

Some time ago I have Webmatic download.
I have translated lingua_en.php to lingua_nl.php (Dutch).
Already a couple tries to insert lingua_nl.php as third lang to Webmatic. <br><br>
Until now it has not succeeded. Perhaps you can help me. <br>
Where and which file I must take to rewrite. <br>
Sorry for my bad english.

November 26 2006 (12:29:19)

To make a webmatic translation in another language you must simple translate the last version of <b>"lingua_en.php"</b> file (located in <b>"core\lang"</b>), you can send to us the translated file so we can add the new language in webmatic. <br>Send to us also the name of the language in the same language (example "Italiano" for "Italian", "Español" for "Spanish", "Dutch" for "Netherland" (??? I tink <img src=pic/smiles/s11.gif align=absmiddle>) ....).<br>Optionally you can send also a little flag (in gif format) for the language menu. <img src=pic/smiles/s3.gif align=absmiddle><br><br>The new language will be added in the new version of webmatic.

November 26 2006 (12:33:06)

The most translation needed are: German, Spanish, and French!!! Somebody can help Webmatic? <img src=pic/smiles/s4.gif align=absmiddle>

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